Sunday, January 22, 2006

I should be sleeping...

But instead I'm waiting up late to do a retest. There is no logical rhyme or reason in my mind that lets me understand why I'm waiting up late.

After our sequence of lows last week, we adjusted Tori's NPH down by .5 units per dose, or 1 unit per day. We started on Friday, and by lunchtime she was into the 300's. She has been in the 300's all day and night ever since. Well, with the exception of Friday overnight when she was 54 at 2am, 75 at the retest, and 183 at the third retest. Saturday we were high 200's to mid 300's, with a 344 on the overnight.

Today we continued the highs, and at the evening shot we cautioned on the dosage, going with the lower than recommended dosage, and yet somehow we just got an 83 before we went to bed. This was an unscheduled test to guage whether we would need to do another overnight test, so obviously I'll be back up in another two hours to do a 2am test following the results of this retest...

151, I'm going to get some sleep now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Diabetes seems to be really volatile in these little ones! My niece just got diabetes last June. I will say that her numbers were volatile on NPH as well. She was in the 265 - 360 range most of the time, with drops for lows as well. Once we found an endo who put her on Lantus and Novolog Pen shots, she did better. Dramatically better. I know it is not as easy with the younger ones, but did you ever consider researching and switching to another insulin regime? I'm sure things will get better as her growth spurts will not be as extreme once she is a little bit older.